Debriefs – Build it Up Don’t Tear it Down

Make your debrief work for you

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Complimentary Trial

One of the challenges of businesses everywhere is communicating their value proposition to the market. BMI has been in business for over 2 decades and in that time we have never advertised out services and we have never lost a client. It may be years between contact but we always reconnect. But we struggle to articulate our value proposition.

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Our Animated Journey

Bid Management International - our journey See our road map for solution development to our current destination. I say current as the journey isn't over yet!!!

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BMI 21st Anniversary Series - Measuring Proposal Improvement Initiatives

In BMI's role as a transformation agent in Sales Support/Enablement, we have often been asked what measures we believe are a valid way of determining the worth of improvement initiatives. And we are also asked to advise enterprises on ways of measuring Return on Investment (ROI) on Sales Support/Enablement functions.

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Bush to Belly

A friend of mine James Freemantle has just released the documentary Bush to Belly. I think it is really worth watching and it is a worthy contribution to a challenging subject.

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Six Top Tips for Small Business Success

I recently spoke at the Ruby Connection an initiative supported by Westpac and focussed on women in business. My topic? In 21 years of business what were my top 6 tips for success.

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What do Star Wars and Proposal Resourcing Have in Common?

I won’t keep you in suspense; the epic space opera and proposal resourcing have a common theme: fantasy. In our twenty plus years of working in the bids and proposals industry we have observed organisations following the same three steps in resourcing their proposals: Step One An opportunity comes along and in many cases a budget has to be put together for approval before the pursuit can begin. And most of that budget will constitute people overhead (a topic for another day is the ever shrinking travel budget for bids). So, the process starts with identifying people for the bid team and that seems sensible enough.

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Soar with the eagles - how not to apply for a job on LinkedIn

​I love the recruitment process. To me as a business owner it is accompanied by a sense of excitement about what the future might hold – so much promise around who will join our team and make our world, our business a better place. In my twenty years in business, recruitment has changed; most notably through the internet and service offerings such as Seek and LinkedIn. My most recent foray into online recruitment led to a fantastic result but the journey was full of surprises for me. Given that the practices of many will no doubt lead them to long bouts of unemployment I thought I’d share my experiences and a couple of tips about what works and what probably doesn’t.

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